mercoledì 9 ottobre 2024

London is a miracle







If you ask me what is London 
after all these years I was far 
I can answer with only a word 
London is a miracle 
In the morning there's some mist 
after that the sun is shining 
over gardens and the houses 
where the life is going on 
In the evening drinking something 
on the water of the river Thames 
and from Hammersmith to Greenwich 
people feel the same old love 
From the first stone it was founded 
to the last skyscraper so tall 
there's here some special power 
that is unique in the whole world 
These green parks can remember us that we can live feeling the Nature as friend and we can walk over the earth without feeling enemies 
It’s England that has learned from its mistakes and here autumn seems springtimes in the land and I can walk over the earth without feeling an enemy

martedì 8 ottobre 2024



Hammersmith Londra 
lungo il fiume 
scorre la vita 
la bellezza dei volti 
colora la sera 
le voci sul molo 
ricamano suadenti 
il gorgogliò delle acque 
(vorrei essere anche io 
di questo banchetto 
ma resto soltanto 
un patetico mostro)

mercoledì 25 settembre 2024

Stav *


Quando arriva l'autunno 
le case si fanno nude 
i cortili si popolano 
di lavori incompiuti 
e abbandoni sterili. 
Le ruote sulla ghiaia 
non fanno più rumore 
e il silenzio profuma 
di frutti da raccogliere. 
* L’autunno nel mondo ebraico ha un valore molto importante in quanto connesso al Capodanno. Il collegamento tra "stav" (סתיו), cioè l'autunno, e il Capodanno ebraico, Rosh Hashanah, è principalmente stagionale e agricolo. Rosh Hashanah cade all'inizio dell'autunno in corrispondenza dei mesi di settembre o ottobre. Questo periodo segna il passaggio dall'estate all'autunno e l'inizio di un nuovo ciclo agricolo.

domenica 22 settembre 2024

An instant balance



Into this water I put 
a drop of summer 
a drop of autumn 
to make it clear that there’s an instant balance 

Into this water I put 
a drop of sadness 
a drop of hope 
to make it clear we need a bit of them both 

The water into the old stones 
facing the west 
it is a prayer even if I don’t know 
the right words to say 
 but do we need words 
if we have inside the right mood? 
No we don’t need words 
if we have inside the first breath…of autumn 

And through this water I say 
welcome new autumn 
goodbye old summer 
please bring good things for me and my loved ones 

The water into the old stones 
facing the west 
it is a prayer even if I don’t know 
the right words to say 
 but do we need words 
if we have inside the right mood? 
No we don’t need words 
if we have inside the first breath…of autumn 

Alban Elfed 2024

venerdì 20 settembre 2024

Beautiful September









Beautiful September 
your wind is still so warm 
I would like to surrender 
to your amazing blow 
Beautiful September 
I would like to ignore 
all things that make me stand there 
in the depth of my bad thoughts 
After the rain September gives sun 
after the sun again the rain 
it is the way just to remember 
the life is a constant change 
After the rain, after the sun only September in my heart 
Beautiful September 
I’d like to be a ghost 
and suddenly be melted 
into your rain not cold 
Beautiful September 
in the middle of all 
you know the summer end 
and the start of the autumn 
After the rain September gives sun 
after the sun again the rain 
it is the way just to remember 
the life is a constant change 
After the rain, after the sun only September in my heart

mercoledì 18 settembre 2024

Lebab *


Non ascolto quasi più 
il mio cuore 
se non certe volte 
di mattina presto 
quando fuori piove 
e c'è ancora buio 
e il silenzio del mondo 
ancora protegge. 
Allora metto una mano 
sul petto ossuto 
e lo sento battere 
forte, regolare 
e mi stupisce ancora 
saperlo scegliere 
sempre la vita 
anche quando 
io non la voglio più.

mercoledì 11 settembre 2024

Scent of faith









We’ve to prepare ourselves for the autumn 
closing our plans and opening an ocean 
into our hollow hearts 
The rain is starting drizzling out of the door 
it is a sound I like and it is still so warm 
so I can sing into my heart 
And during the rain there’s a scent of faith 
even if it seems without any smell 
I can imagine in my soul in my mind 
there’s a dimension where all senses are blind 
This seasonal passeges are so sacred 
we should not ignore them ‘cause they can save 
us from the nothingness around 
So what we have to do is celebrating 
these moments even with only some praying 
and being so grateful for the life 
And during the rain there’s a scent of fait
even if it seems without any smell 
I can imagine in my soul in my mind 
there’s a dimension where all senses are blind