giovedì 28 marzo 2019

Strati di cielo

Profuma la città stasera
di strati di cielo disciolti
e di semafori scarlatti
accanto a foglie neonate
di campane tozze sui tetti
sirene morenti d'Europa.

mercoledì 20 marzo 2019

Windy spring

It's the begin of the spring
the air is not hot, does not freeze
I don't know where I come from and I go
Something I let go, something else I hold

You said I am bad for you
that I'm superb and confused
look at sky and taste some fresh wind
I will go away and you will stay here

Beautiful windy spring 
it's time to start to swim 
into the sky so blue 
and going far from you 

Beautiful windy spring 
it's time to lose and win w
inter is going to die 
while I taste a new sky 

She said we can meditate
on the same time the same day
this is the way to produce a new change
to cut the black roots, the despair to erase

Beautiful windy spring 
it's time to start to swim 
into the sky so blue 
and going far from you 

Beautiful windy spring 
it's time to lose and win 
winter is going to die 
while I taste a new sky

martedì 19 marzo 2019

Like the first springtime bloom


Sometimes it happens that
walking along my pathes
no inspiration arrives
'cause she makes me blind

Her words are gospels to me
she knows always what I need
there's nothing more to write
she can explain the life

Her voice is more than beautiful 
she is like the first springtime bloom 

The only thing I can say 
in this moment so weird 
is that I feel deep in my soil 
the need of rain and of her voice 

And I know nothing can change 
if not written in the fate 
but she can teach that the fate 
can change only if let it rain 

There will be times
very close in life
during which I'll be sad
but she will be there

Her voice is more than beautiful 
she is like the first springtime bloom 

The only thing I can say 
in this moment so weird 
is that I feel deep in my soil 
the need of rain and of her voice 

And I know nothing can change 
if not written in the fate 
but she can teach that the fate 
can change only if let it rain

domenica 3 marzo 2019



I need to speak about the gratitude
that was something I have not yet understood
it is a light that needs to reach the sky
to open darkness, the night to clarify

I know I have still so many things to do
to carve out my name into the wood
but I am grateful for all I've in my hands
for all the people and for all the lands

In front of the sea there's 
the perfect place to say thank you 
where waters begin and 
the land can face something of new 
I'm grateful and so true 

In the last months I have passed through
the wind of change and I am in a new mood
I'm grateful for what I lost and what I won
I've no regrets fo the first time at all

In front of the sea there's 
the perfect place to say thank 
you where waters begin and 
the land can face something of new 
I'm grateful and so true