venerdì 24 luglio 2020

Il sapor del fuoco

Sono i lampi ululanti
a scolpir nottetempo 
le foglie frugali 
della vite antica 
a donare ai frutti
il sapor del fuoco

domenica 19 luglio 2020

An hope


Let's have an hope
let's have an hope
it's the only way
to go on

Let's have an hope
as I can know
now at all
which is my goal

I've burnt my diaries
even if they're pretty
'cause the past is a trick
to me

One day an home
for my soul
may be I'll go
where I belong

If I am grown
I feel thankful
it is a road
so long

The witches are still here
they always can help me
from the crawl space they see
and read

giovedì 16 luglio 2020

To berth


This is my place to be
and I will always be
close to the oldest fields
so green

From the windows I see
some quaint and lovely peaks
and the big stag which leaps
out here

The little insect is mislaid 
 is crying but it seems to pray 
the stars fill now the sky 
the night they clarify 

And suddenly I feel better 
the burdensome matters 
they melt inside vastness 
they flee over a mare 

One day I will live here
to bury all my fears
and the past when it sears
it’s clear

There’s no accursed fact
while I can feel intact
and all the past can help
to berth

The little insect is mislaid 
 is crying but it seems to pray 
the stars fill now the sky 
the night they clarify 

And suddenly I feel better 
the burdensome matters 
they melt inside vastness 
they flee over a mare 

 27th June 2020

mercoledì 1 luglio 2020

Verso l’imbrunire

Verso l’imbrunire
il granoturco indica
le prime stelle
i girasoli annaspano
i miei occhi sognano
una quieta notte
sotto il mantello sacro
del firmamento