domenica 31 gennaio 2021

How the snow can become water



Water all around 
saturday morning 
I am not allowed  
to have long walking 
but this is exactly what I missed 
yes this is exactly what I need 

How the snow 
can become water 
it is all 
we need to beware 
it's the sign the springtimes is not far 
it's the Imbolc gift for all of us 

Snow is melting down 
into these streams 
here yes I can say 
I am a king 
'cause I feel my home is in this wood 
it can always give me a better mood 

How the snow 
can become water 
it is all 
we need to beware 
it's the sign the springtimes is not far 
it's the Imbolc gift for all of us 

Imbolc 2021

sabato 30 gennaio 2021

Where is



Where is where is where is my soul 
and where and where and where is gone 
after years of silence 
I want to know where 
it is 

I feel inside to me hollow 
while by the fireplace I hold 
my past to keep warm 
while future is cold 
so cold 

I look at my face 
and I lit a candle 
to see the lines 
I know I am changed 
but inside I handle 
what is survived 

There is a poem that I loved 
since when I was young and alone 
it told there's a fire 
that survives forever

I look at my face 
and I lit a candle 
to see the lines 
I know I am changed 
but inside I handle 
what is survived

venerdì 29 gennaio 2021

Il fondo


Sulla strada inondata 
di luna asettica 
tocco il fondo melmoso 
di un'anima immatura: 
il vento gelido accarezza 
la pelle non più giovane 
lo scroscio del fiume 
sul fondo della valle 
mi ricorda impietoso 
dove sto andando.

mercoledì 27 gennaio 2021




is up in the sky 
and she seems so kind 
it is just pure light 

is up in the sky 
the last so bright cry 
of these evil times 

is up in the sky 
I'd feel so fragile 
in the obscure night 

is our delight 
we can also shine 
she is like a shrine 

teaches that the life 
is a waxing line 
waining the next time 

26th December 2020

venerdì 22 gennaio 2021

Spazio liminale


Il sangue del giorno che muore 
il suicidio delle esperidi* 
accanto al boccale fradicio 
di questa assenza spremuta: 
il gelo incendia il fiato 
nello spazio liminale 
il confine universale 
che noi chiamiamo morte. 

* Nella mitologia greca, le ninfe dell'ovest e del tramonto. Custodivano il giardino dei pomi d'oro.

martedì 12 gennaio 2021

This is the only noise that is also silence


This is the only noise 
that is also silence 
we call it snow 
it's the winter fire 

and when we walk 
along this white path 
we feel inside a new born land 

This is the only noise 
that is also silence 
it seems to destroy 
breaking the white mantle 

so when we walk 
in the white desert 
we try to be as light as we can 

Snow is like an old deep soul 
always white and without war 
even if the mind is full of troubles 

And I'm here to say Oh Lord 
protect us into the storm 
that is going to arrive  

This is the only noise 
that is also silence 
I feel an ounce of joy 
may be it's desire 

to live the white wild 
in a total lose 
before it's too late to follow clues 

Snow is like an old deep soul 
always white and without war 
even if the mind is full of troubles 

And I'm here to say Oh Lord 
protect us into the storm 
that is going to arrive

giovedì 7 gennaio 2021

La neve è il tuo respiro


Il cielo mantello immenso 
bianco come palmi aperti 
segno di resa all'inverno 
e al buio profondissimo. 

La neve è il tuo respiro 
sopra al cuscino del sonno 
silenzioso ma pur capace 
di riempir la notte più muta.