venerdì 31 ottobre 2014

Kala *

Questa leggera spuma di nebbia
trafitta dalle lance del sole
incesto di passato e futuro
sotto gli occhi aguzzi di Dio.

La pelle del mio corpo è sabbia
questa notte sarà la clessidra
per travasare pensieri essenziali
attraverso le stigmate del sonno.

* “Tempo” in lingua sanscrita 

Buon Samhain a tutti, buon nuovo inizio.

mercoledì 29 ottobre 2014

In the desert, deep

This is what I need?
Or not?
This is what I seek?
Or not?
Nobody can say
If not

But if somewhere there’s
A God
As I often felt
And hoped
Yes He can suggest
The goal
To me

Do you want to come with me 
In the desert, deep?
Where the prophets say that God
Can actually speak 

I'm a voice crying out in the desert *
Sais the Lord to us
There we’ve to go to understand
What’s the plan for us

Only where the noise is cancelled
We can hear His voice whispering 

Nothing else to say
Past can’t be erased
But shame
Will be over those
That waste
The life

Do you want to come with me 
In the desert, deep? 
Where the prophets say that God 
Can actually speak 

I'm a voice crying out in the desert * 
Sais the Lord to us 
There we’ve to go to understand 
What’s the plan for us 

Only where the noise is cancelled 
We can hear His voice whispering 

* Liberamente tratto da Isaia 40,3.

martedì 28 ottobre 2014



Babel * over me 
Suggests new beats 
Because only the rhythm 
Makes us being 

There are no voices 
Into the eternity 
Silence it is the measure ** 
Of our being 

In this morning 
I can see the sparks over my hands 

And I feel so deep 
Lack of certainty 
I don’t know where I will be then 

Let’s pray for help! Let’s pray for help! 

* Secondo Genesi 11, Babele era una città nel paese di Sennaar in cui gli uomini costruirono una torre con l'intenzione di arrivare al cielo e dunque a Dio. Secondo il racconto biblico, all'epoca gli uomini parlavano tutti la medesima lingua. Gli uomini volevano arrivare al cielo per non essere dispersi su tutta la terra come Dio gli aveva comandato (Genesi 1:28). Ma Dio creò scompiglio nelle genti e, facendo in modo che le persone parlassero lingue diverse e non si capissero più, impedì che la costruzione della torre venisse portata a termine. 
** Secondo la teoria del Silenzio Quantico è possibile sperimentare, all’interno di una condizione di silenzio, una sorta di dilatazione dello spazio di esperienza. Come se il tempo si polverizzasse. 

Questa composizione è stata pubblicata sul numero 6  della rivista letteraria “The Circle Review”, dove potrete trovare il testo completo, scaricabile gratuitamente seguendo questo link

lunedì 27 ottobre 2014

The drops falling on my head

I'm lucky
Since when I can a avoid
To live like a man
And I can go on living
Like a boy

I'm lucky
Since when I can believe
The time has no end
And I can go on building
With the sand

What can make me cry 
Since when I don't mind 
Of all the drops falling on my head 
Of the crosses carried on shoulders 

Masks are broken down 
But I have allowed 
Them to become parts of me 
And now what man can I be? 

It's tragic
What I see all around
While people leave without live
So busy in their showing
What they can

It's tragic
Also to be refused
Because you have not found the clues
To understand really
What you are

What can make me cry 
Since when I don't mind 
Of all the drops falling on my head 
Of the crosses carried on shoulders 

Masks are broken down 
But I have allowed 
Them to become parts of me 
And now what man can I be? 

domenica 26 ottobre 2014

What a wonderful life

I know when the new really comes
It finds us always come undone
Because it's really unexpected

But now I have to change my mind
To accept all things that now arrive
Even the ones that seem aggressive

What a wonderful life
If you only could drive away 
All the troubles and all the reasons to be sad for 

What a wonderful life 
If you put a smile on your face 
Not only rarely but in the everyday life

Expectations are the killers
Of our will to live in peace
Cause they can promise we'll be better

But I risk to appear naïf
If I say we've to accept the risk
To be considered unsuccessful

What a wonderful life 
If you only could drive away 
All the troubles and all the reasons to be sad for 

What a wonderful life 
If you put a smile on your face 
Not only rarely but in the everyday life

martedì 14 ottobre 2014

A pact with the east

Just before the autumn
Starts to teach its knowledge
I come to a pact with the east
Sun will bring always some peace

I’ve not yet decided
What’s right or wrong for me
I go on trying to be
All things that seem good to me

The moon doesn’t fail
To show some truth over the train
As I move only to know
If there is a new bright goal

I write a new tale
To speak of me to gods who blame
For all the mistakes I’ve done
For the silence of my heart

Starting new adventures
To forget the tensions
That my past always gives me
So that the future is sick

Sacred is each moment
That creates a wallet
Where thoughts can grow with their limbs
And with their hands can touch me

The moon doesn’t fail
To show some truth over the train
As I move only to know
If there is a new bright goal

I write a new tale
To speak of me to gods who blame
For all the mistakes I’ve done
For the silence of my heart

Sul treno fra Parma e La Spezia, 3 ottobre 2014

domenica 5 ottobre 2014

A Romilde

Non c’è benedizione
non c’è futuro
né comprensione alcuna
per chi non sa adattarsi
per chi non si allinea
al racconto apocrifo
della falsa perfezione.

Come piccola rosa
selvatica e ricurva
ti ricorderò:
tremante di spine
pungente di vento
inadatta al terreno
fertile d'ipocrisia.