giovedì 31 dicembre 2020

This is an healing circle



Sweet is the circle of the seasons 
hard is to be always in line 
while winter comes so strong I suffer 
'cause I am always in delay 

Deep is my feeling of belonging 
to this precipitous land 
sun is painting the sky of purple 
it's the blood of the dying day 

This is an healing circle 
that from the holy nature 
goes down into my veins to start to flow 

This is an healing circle 
from the wood to the candle 
that bruns still in my heart 
and it is waiting for some peace 

Only if I will be able 
to participate to this 
I will join all the great abundance 
and the extraordinary gifts 

This is an healing circle 
that from the holy nature 
goes down into my veins to start to flow 

This is an healing circle 
from the wood to the candle 
that bruns still in my heart 
and it is waiting for some peace

domenica 27 dicembre 2020

We all need to shine


Il primo timido raggio dell'alba mi ha quasi stupito, come se non l'avessi visto da tempo immemorabile. Eppure l'alba è un grande dono e ti annuncia che il tunnel cupo dell'insonnia e del dolore può essere in realtà visto come una sacra veglia. E così sono partito come non facevo da mesi, forse da anni. Ho risalito il monte, incurante della neve, incurante del freddo. Ho seguito i nostri passi, quelli degli antenati. "Under blue diamond sky I don't walk alone. Follow, I will follow. Anywhere you want, you want to go". E ho visto le pennellate rossastre colorare la neve che la notte aveva preservato intatta. Allora ho capito che forse da oggi già si può intuire la primavera: oltre il crinale innevato, nel mare, già nasce una flebile speranza. "It's time that we shine. We all need to shine" E non importa quante volte ancora sbaglieremo strada perché ogni sbaglio conduce a una nuova scoperta. In fondo la speranza è solo un'alba molto attesa, forse da troppo tempo. Come succede ai marinai. "And if we lose our way. Well, sailors, they dance and play".

Le parti in inglese sono tratte da "Christmastide" di Tori Amos

mercoledì 23 dicembre 2020

To become the winter



I don't I don't I don't want the fear 
I know it was a terrible year 
I want to be like water to flow away so far 

I sooth my pain deep inside my heart 
Lights can be born in the womb of earth 
So let me be like water that goes into the dark 

Will we be able to stay alive? 
Don't take for granted to stay alive 
When all around people are dying 
Hope is in the new light arriving 

Will there be enough strenght to stand up 
if only one day we will be apart? 
Or we have become so craven 
to settle for this barren level 

I know I am become old as the autumn 
Am I now prompt to become the winter 
and just like the white snow, to cover all the pain 

Will we be able to stay alive? 
Don't take for granted to stay alive 
When all around people are dying 
Hope is in the new light arriving 

Will there be enough strenght to stand up 
if only one day we will be apart? 
Or we have become so craven 
to settle for this barren level

domenica 20 dicembre 2020

Come di nascosto

Interminabile notte 
sgorga timido il mattino
 - come di nascosto -
tra le montagne del sud
e le colline dell'ovest. 
Ho i miei polsi trafitti 
dai secondi più aguzzi 
e negli occhi pozzanghere 
ancora il riflesso 
dei sogni incompiuti.

domenica 13 dicembre 2020

L'ultima foglia


L'ultima foglia sull'acqua
appena prima dell'alba:
dobbiamo perdere tutto
per riconoscer stupiti
l'arrivo del nuovo giorno

mercoledì 2 dicembre 2020



La neve
Il respiro
La pioggia
L'inverno che nasce
tra i sottili interstizi 
di questo tempo storpio.

sabato 28 novembre 2020

Nuances of soul


Thank you for this energy 
thank you for this beauty 
thank you for being always here, to heal my soul 

Thanks also for lonelyness 
that proceeds towards the west 
I bow down in front of your deep ancient knowledge 

It is small bite of winter this evening for me 
into the fog I am walking and I feel I'm free 
It is a conflagration of emotions 
but at the same time I feel so peaceful 
It is the dynamism of the soul 

I stir the fallen leaves 
with my feet and I concieve 
new notes and words that can bestow some peace 

Freedom is the birthright 
the hallmark of a true life 
only here I can see the nuances of soul 

It is small bite of winter this evening for me 
into the fog I am walking and I feel I'm free 
It is a conflagration of emotions 
but at the same time I feel so peaceful 
It is the dynamism of the soul 

11th November 2020

giovedì 26 novembre 2020










Holy nature, tell me what 
can I find to go beyond 
this night that seems so long 
that sometimes I feel I’m lost 
Holy nature, tell me now 
speak to me or I’ll be out 
in the desert that I’ve found 
I’m alone albeit in the crowd 
What you need 
is to come back 
to when you were 
a better man 
Maybe it was 
the loneliness 
or the magic 
in your hands 
This disruption in the sound 
of the universe so loud 
means that it has been allowed 
to forget the holy house 
While we all have to learn 
by rote the sacred words 
to repeat them in the world 
albeit it is going to fall 
your good friends 
are disappeared 
in dark lands 
Don’t look for 
the revenge 
be a free man 
without fence 
11th November 2020

martedì 24 novembre 2020

On the Samhain morning


On the Samhain morning 
seems to be frozen by the time 
on the Samhain morning 
I believe 
the ineffable can be catched by the mind 
I am walking in the woods 
forth the sky 
my quest today must find 
a gush of a new mood 
to try 
to well my strength here inside 
It is a silent morning 
even the leaves stand on the trees 
I nod without knowing 
while the gnarled thoughts move into me 
what is happening I don't know 
but we are going to understand 
it's a constant ebb and flow 
we bestow and then call back 
I am adamant always 
but sometimes 
I have to hush my inner chat 
to peep behind the curtains 
of the time 
to know which is the right prep 
It is a silent morning 
even the leaves stand on the trees 
I nod without knowing 
while the gnarled thoughts move into me 
what is happening I don't know 
but we are going to understand 
it's a constant ebb and flow 
we bestow and then call back 
1st November 2020

lunedì 23 novembre 2020



La luna è tramontata 
poco dopo mezzanotte 
sul pianoro a sud ovest: 
insonnia fatta di stelle 
montagne specchio del cosmo 
l’anima che a fatica 
rimane nel simulacro.

giovedì 12 novembre 2020

Conair *

Non ci sono più i sentieri 
per entrare nel bosco 
e ascoltar la sera 
con le foglie addosso
una ad una come note 
melodia antica sulla pelle 
carezza sacra di Dio
   * "Sentiero" in gaelico irlandese

martedì 10 novembre 2020

Three glasses of wine and apples



This is the first Samhain alone 
into this silent house so old 
all the friends are gone 
all the hopes are cold 
sadness twofold 

But on the table I have got 
three glasses of wine and apples  
one is for the dead beloveds 
one is for spirits and gods 
one for my soul 

The secret is all 
into the balance 
of the fire with the water 
of the death with the life 

I really yearn 
to strengthen resistance 
to esc from this nightmare 
with dignity and time 

I feel there is out a wagon 
full of an amount of records 
Samhain means to remember 
also who we were 

The secret is all 
into the balance 
of the fire with the water 
of the death with the life 

I really yearn 
to strengthen resistance 
to esc from this nightmare 
with dignity and time 

Samhain 2020, 31st October 2020

venerdì 30 ottobre 2020

Striving red


So life does not give rest, it's something I should know 
it is a constant challenge for body and soul 
I have to find back all the strength that I had 
in front of me I see months of striving red 

I know that I can fall down with a little blow 
all the mistakes I've done have made me feeble 
the fiddles have stopped to play in my head 
in front of me I see only barren lands 

I hope that one day I'll be better 
in the name of all that I've learned 
and I will have a gilded leather 
to save me from all that is wrong 

But bloody autumn is just started 
how to survive into this fold? 
Jumbles of tokens were arrived 
but we have chosen to ignore them all 

I try to breath to increase my so faint hope 
listening to the rustle of leaves of autumn 
I've to remain a bit deluded that 
all this pain only will dab myself  

I hope that one day I'll be better 
in the name of all that I've learned 
and I will have a gilded leather 
to save me from all that is wrong 

But bloody autumn is just started 
how to survive into this fold? 
Jumbles of tokens were arrived 
but we have chosen to ignore them all

lunedì 26 ottobre 2020







Nothing else to change 
or everything? 
It is in the air 
what I think 
Among the vineyards, the past has given its fruits 
The future will run, as it was foreseen by druids 
We have lost our faith 
it’s a sin 
now that we can wait 
for Samhain 
also the friendship has an incurable ill 
yes we are alone as we have never been 
When you stop yourself 
from changing 
you turn on the fear 
and you’re lazing 
so, let yourself becoming someone else 
that, if you’ve got firm roots, they will help 
It’s a Samhain of change 
don’t be crazy 
try to connect the land 
be partaking 
of the world shift so poignant 
but remain yourself deep in the heart 
I endow myself 
of the lore 
atavistic and 
also new 
And this dark nightmare that shows more hearses than hopes 
will end as soon as we will stop to starve our souls 
When you stop yourself 
from changing 
you turn on the fear 
and you’re lazing 
so, let yourself becoming someone else 
that, if you’ve got firm roots, they will help 
It’s a Samhain of change 
don’t be crazy
try to connect the land 
be partaking 
of the world shift so poignant 
but remain yourself deep in the heart

giovedì 22 ottobre 2020

Cielo provvisorio

Ci sono ancora le stelle 
nel cielo provvisorio 
della fine del mondo 
e una falce di luna 
come sorriso storpio 
di un Dio esterrefatto: 
oltre la vigna spogliata 
l’orizzonte ci osserva 
in escatologica attesa.

mercoledì 14 ottobre 2020


 Conosco questa pioggia
 amante atavica
 che cauterizza il sole
 e ci riscopre inermi
 in attesa di cadere
 dentro noi stessi.
 La polvere del tempo
 non ha odore
 fino a che la pioggia
 con le dita tantriche
 non la riscopre
 vergine illusa.

lunedì 5 ottobre 2020

Were friends











I take some minutes 
just to reflect 
on what does it mean to have friends 
people that sometimes 
seem more than brothers 
and the next moment suddenly strangers 
it is hard to believe 
for me 
I found myself 
so weak again 
since I can hardly understand 
years melt into 
just few months 
and distance becomes an ocean 
between two people that 
were friends 
You said you missed me 
but you are disappeared 
it was your choice 
but you say it’s me 
who decided, to go far 
who chose to stay apart 
I have discovered 
there is no “always” 
only transition from friends to nothing 
no explanation 
often was given 
simply “be able to accept the change” 
and “we are far but, believe, so near” 
You said you missed me 
but you are disappeared 
it was your choice 
but you say it’s me 
who decided, to go far 
who chose to stay apart

domenica 4 ottobre 2020




Suddenly the autumn has come 
in the fields and into my heart 
yes I've done so many mistakes 
like the leaves I've to change my face 
before I decide to fall down 

I am not steadfast as before 
and there is no praise I adore 
and I wander along trackless life 
while I fling pieces of me where I 
have never thought to find  

The start of the fall 
is something that I know 
it's the ruse to lure me to hope  

The start of the fall 
is both warm and cold 
as it is so soothing and bold 

Suddenly I have found myself 
slumbering into my same hands 
while I had really to use them 
to turn the handle and then 
to open the next door 

The start of the fall 
is something that I know 
it's the ruse to lure me to hope 

The start of the fall 
is both warm and cold 
as it is so soothing and bold

giovedì 1 ottobre 2020

Is it September a question or an answer?








What a day! 
I have seen the wind blowing 
you have seen my face smiling 
in the rain 
What a day! 
Mountains of clouds are covered 
I believe I can be better 
than what I am 
Is it September a question or an answer? 
Why is it lurking always out of my garden? 
Its first day always brings a new strand, a new hint
 … and I follow it to find me! 
What a day! 
Sometimes in my wretch life 
there are moments of pure joy 
with no sense 
What a day!
Can a place become all? 
I feel part of the whole 
only here 
Is it September a question or an answer? 
Why is it lurking always out of my garden? 
Its first day always brings a new strand, a new hint 
… and I follow it to find me!
1st September 2020

mercoledì 30 settembre 2020

Frome the ridge








When the rain comes 
in this house where 
I'd want to live 
I cannot not to sing 
A new song as a gift 
Without notice comes 
also, sadness 
it is not a choice 
it is weakness 
I cannot not to cry 
it is just a way to try 
I love so much the smell of the rain 
That comes down from the ridge in this place 
It is fierce and so sweet at the same 
Sky is blessing while it is so enraged 
In this messy 
clutter here 
I imagine 
As it could be 
After the end of my work 
Will be comfortable 
I love so much the smell of the rain 
That comes down from the ridge in this place 
It is fierce and so sweet at the same 
Sky is blessing while it is so enraged 
29th august 2020

sabato 26 settembre 2020



While the nature is reddening 
and the sun is descending 
 the first rain after months 
is blessing all the world 

While the daylight is shortening 
sense of balance is in the air 
the day is like the night 
the sun falls in the west side 

Facing the autumn I remember 
all the things I've gained and all the things I've lost 
I know this is the last harvest 
So I make my best to collect my hopes 

While the fall is just starting 
and the cold is arriving 
we check the things we've got 
before the winter blow 

And I know that very soon 
the deep gold will substitute 
the green into the woods 
under a sky so blue 

Facing the autumn I remember 
all the things I've gained and all the things I've lost 
I know this is the last harvest 
So I make my best to collect my hopes 

In front of me the twilight 
the perfect west it signs 
and the two mountains are 
like the breast of woman 

 20th September 2020

domenica 13 settembre 2020

Il sole di settembre


Il sole di settembre 

allinea le colline: 

soldati schierati 

(i muscoli possenti 

e le vene gonfie 

pronte ad esplodere 

con la vendemmia) 

certi della sconfitta 

contro all'inverno.

mercoledì 9 settembre 2020

I need some strength back


Is it the moon 
 the mirror of the silence 
over these moors 
where does survive my fire? 

I am only past thoughts 
and unless endeavours 
I need some strength back 

Is it the wood 
the secret of the peace 
where west is blue 
and the east brightly appears? 

Before the bedroom 
as a cloak covers all 
I will run as a stag 

What can I say? 
After the hills, the sea 
that speaks so silently 
to say there's no distinction 
between the elements and us 

Have I been sage 
Before becoming dead? 
My mind goes laze 
and body is erased 

My soul is baffling 
while it is rattled 
and autumns is not far 

What can I say? 
After the hills, the sea 
that speaks so silently 
to say there's no distinction 
between the elements and us 

25th August 2020, Case Poggio, Neirone, Liguria

mercoledì 19 agosto 2020

after 20 years


Listen to - ascolta 

This is what I do 
after 20 years 
this is all my truth 
after 20 years 
I have passed through the biggest storms 
I have passed over all the hopes 
but I am still here 

I have changed my rules 
so many times 
the sadness has loomed 
over my sad life 
I have seen people leaving me 
I have prayed gods and cried tears 
but I am still here 

after 20 years 
I am here to say 
I am still a page 
of your giant book my God 
as a leaf of the deep wood 

after 20 year 
nothing really changed 
even if it's changed 
but I am become a man 
without reaching a new land 

It is the same path 
after 20 years 
and the same old room 
when I've fought the fear 
there are signs and also some clue 
that my life will end in this wood 

after 20 years 
I am here to say 
I am still a page 
of your giant book my God 
as a leaf of the deep wood 

after 20 year 
nothing really changed 
even if it's changed 
but I am become a man 
without reaching a new land

My 40th birthday

martedì 11 agosto 2020

This is what I call beauty



This is what I call beauty 
the sweet wind of the west 
the stars over my head 
and noises from the wood, in my ears 

This is what I call beauty 
the shapes of the old oaks 
looming up to the north
and my steps silently losing 

I don't have to think only 
of our misery 
'cause I've always known 
we are eternity 

I don't have to think only 
of my misery 
'cause I always can 
become a better man 

The nights of august are magic 
the falling of the stars 
the warmth so pleasant 
while I can find a rest, for my heart 

I don't have to think only 
of our misery 
'cause I've always known 
we are eternity 

I don't have to think only 
of my misery 
'cause I always can 
become a better man 

lunedì 10 agosto 2020

To avoid the ravine



It was one day before 
He said belong to me or go away 
But I wanted to know 
Is my faith enough or I've to pray 

 And that time I felt, I could be aware 

It will be one day before 
that everything would fall apart 
I will try not to bolt 
I will underpin my poor old heart 

And that day we'll know how, to avoid the ravine 

Into our deepest thoughts 
we know what is right and what is true 
and the world outside 
is nothing but a shadow in the blue 

So walking back to my life 
I understand I can't lie 
no more 

I'm enraged to myself 
when I think to all that I have sold out 
without thinking that the time 
like a candle it continuously burns out 

I feel there is a weir 
an unpalatable barrier 
to blow 

I know, one day before 
the angels will say it could be late 
to recover the souls 
and to let them fly over the flames 

It is the only way, to avoid the ravine 

Into our deepest thoughts 
we know what is right and what is true 
and the world outside 
is nothing but a shadow in the blue 

So walking back to my life 
I understand I can't lie 
no more 

I'm enraged to myself 
when I think to all that I have sold out 
without thinking that the time 
like a candle it continuously burns out 

I feel there is a weir 
an unpalatable barrier 
to blow 

martedì 4 agosto 2020

When the moon is in the west


When the moon is in the west
oh I can dip myself
into this ancient and so sacred land

When the moon is in the west
along this mountains
I like to call my old purity back

When the moon is in the west
a new blend I can have
and I can feel as fierce as accursed

When the moon is in the west
I can pray without rest
to all the gods that speak to me sometimes

When the moon is in the west
I can guess I'm the last
to watch the moon performing its sunset

venerdì 24 luglio 2020

Il sapor del fuoco

Sono i lampi ululanti
a scolpir nottetempo 
le foglie frugali 
della vite antica 
a donare ai frutti
il sapor del fuoco

domenica 19 luglio 2020

An hope


Let's have an hope
let's have an hope
it's the only way
to go on

Let's have an hope
as I can know
now at all
which is my goal

I've burnt my diaries
even if they're pretty
'cause the past is a trick
to me

One day an home
for my soul
may be I'll go
where I belong

If I am grown
I feel thankful
it is a road
so long

The witches are still here
they always can help me
from the crawl space they see
and read

giovedì 16 luglio 2020

To berth


This is my place to be
and I will always be
close to the oldest fields
so green

From the windows I see
some quaint and lovely peaks
and the big stag which leaps
out here

The little insect is mislaid 
 is crying but it seems to pray 
the stars fill now the sky 
the night they clarify 

And suddenly I feel better 
the burdensome matters 
they melt inside vastness 
they flee over a mare 

One day I will live here
to bury all my fears
and the past when it sears
it’s clear

There’s no accursed fact
while I can feel intact
and all the past can help
to berth

The little insect is mislaid 
 is crying but it seems to pray 
the stars fill now the sky 
the night they clarify 

And suddenly I feel better 
the burdensome matters 
they melt inside vastness 
they flee over a mare 

 27th June 2020

mercoledì 1 luglio 2020

Verso l’imbrunire

Verso l’imbrunire
il granoturco indica
le prime stelle
i girasoli annaspano
i miei occhi sognano
una quieta notte
sotto il mantello sacro
del firmamento

venerdì 26 giugno 2020

What can I find, in the wood


What can I find, in the wood
just before the solstice
what can I find, in the wood
just after the sunset

I can find a feather
left by a magpie
I can find a lesson
I need to learn

There's a world here to discover 
and the summer is just started 
I can be a new born fire 
I can be a my new desire 

There's a world here to discover
and the summer is now here 
I can reach all that I hanker 
only by climbing a ladder 

What can I find, in the wood
just before the summer
what can I find, in the wood
just after the springtime

I can dip my soul
into the twilight
I was always told
it's a precious time

There's a world here to discover 
and the summer is just started 
I can be a new born fire 
I can be my new desire 

There's a world here to discover 
and the summer is now here 
I can reach all that I hanker 
only by climbing a ladder

20th JUne 2020. Alban Hefin

domenica 21 giugno 2020


L'alba del solstizio
iperico nel vento
nello stagno di crinale
le rane conoscono ancora
il nome ancestrale

sabato 20 giugno 2020

White flags on the field


It's everytime you fall and the day after
you try to rise again
It's on those times you show to yourself
that you can become a man

It's not a trodden path the one I walk
along but I can't bolt
While everything is new and also old
It is bitterly absurd

I see white flags on the field 
that once was our field 
and there is no other thing 
if not to believe 
that I can pass over the ravine 
if it is shallow 

Bitter and mellow both, is the life
with a weir on its course
I gently flee and then, I come back
as I open and fold

I see white flags on the field 
that once was our field 
and there is no other thing 
if not to believe 
that I can pass over the ravine 
if it is shallow

mercoledì 3 giugno 2020


Sono riapparse le lucciole
della notte indigene:
lampeggii nel buio
speranze affilate
coscienze elettriche
e poi più nulla.

L’immagine è tratta da

martedì 2 giugno 2020

Afternoons at home


It's in these afternoons at home
that I can understand where I'm gone
if I am grown or if I'm still a child
If I've the loam to nourish future tries

I dowse over my body to learn
where are the parts of me that suffer
and then I put them into the light
as the lore teaches since the ancient times

what do I hanker in my life 
this is the secret I keep inside 
and I'll need a lifelong work 
to understand what is worth 
for me 

I'm clumsy as a toad that flies 
but as a rockbuck so agile 
and I swallow all the words 
that are right and that are wrong 
to me 

It's in these afternoons at home
I feel both a thrush and a boar
So many debris I have got inside
but also mirth into the depth of mine

what do I hanker in my life 
this is the secret I keep inside 
and I'll need a lifelong work 
to understand what is worth 
for me 

I'm clumsy as a toad that flies 
but as a rockbuck so agile 
and I swallow all the words 
that are right and that are wrong 
to me

lunedì 1 giugno 2020


Respiro la luce
del sole di giugno
il pianoforte muove
le foglie dei pioppi:
la danza scomposta
l'attrito unico
che si oppongono
all'incessante corsa
del tempo.

giovedì 21 maggio 2020


Le punta dei nostri piedi
sotto le lenzuola
     - baldacchino di quiete -
indicano il cielo
in attesa che il sonno
ci conduca ad esso.

martedì 19 maggio 2020

Driadi *

Il salmodiare sacro
della pioggia astuta
riesce ad assopire
le antiche driadi:
nel fradicio fragore
di foglie sbalordite
le ninfe s'adagiano
e dormono d'un sonno
più esteso del tempo.

Poi tornerà il sole
a chiamarle furtivo
all'amor rigoglioso.

* Nella mitologia greca le driadi sono originariamente le ninfe delle querce, ma successivamente tutte le ninfe degli alberi sono chiamate con questo nome.

giovedì 14 maggio 2020

La storia passare

Dalla piccola finestra
a sguincio verso l'esterno
come nelle case di una volta
osservo la storia passare
ne vedo solo una frazione
piccola e rettangolare
ma soppeso ogni immagine
con gusto antropologico.

Cosa accade al mondo?
Incomprensibile follia
corre interstiziale
come virus culturale
nelle vene spaccate

mercoledì 13 maggio 2020

Awareness can loom


How many troubles Beltaine
that are flowing in my veins?
What can I do to find, solutions?
How can I remain alive? Dilution

I feel your energy Beltaine
into the wood with sun or rain
How can I do to pass through, your flame
How can I do to feel me better, than my state

I've understood all I've to do 
it's to increase Nwyfre* 
not only a word that I have learned 
it's the good new fever 

It's everything I have missed 
and that I'm looking for 
and now the new awareness can loom 

While afternoon is coming night
there is something I feel so right
it is what we call the evening, or faith
it's what I miss more than everything, my aim

I've understood all I've to do 
it's to increase Nwyfre 
not only a word that I have learned 
it's the good new fever 

It's everything I have missed 
and that I'm looking for 
and now the new awareness can loom 

2nd May 2020 

* Nwyfre (NOO-iv-ruh) literally translates as “sky” or “heaven” and refers to the life force or vital energy that is in each of us

martedì 12 maggio 2020

Il vuoto dei morti

Cosa resta di me
oltre all'inchiostro?

Le parole giovani
di un amore atteso
che poteva essere
ciò che non fu

Le sere sacre
del primo autunno
profumi antichi
accanto alla stufa.

Chi non è più.
Chi non c'è più.

In una sola pagina
di quasi vent'anni
la vita di un altro
che forse ero io.

Oggi è siccità
e ricordo d'essere
rimane soltanto
il vuoto dei morti.

martedì 5 maggio 2020

Ierofania *

Sul confine fra ombra e luce
(linea affilata, anime affacciate)
vedo il meriggio imbarcarsi
alla volta del vespro ieratico:
alternanza inconsapevole
eppure fulcro ancestrale
d'ogni icastico respiro.

* Manifestazione del sacro

giovedì 30 aprile 2020

Beyond the hedgerow


I am here waiting for the rain and its blessing
into this garden that seems wet only by dew
Beyond the hedgerow what?
Maybe another world

I know this weather calls a sacred evening
Can I collect my thoughts like I would sew?
Beyond the hedgerow what?
Maybe another world

So I celebrate lonely 
imagining what I would love 
I think to all of you 
into your sacred sacred groves 
beyond the hedgerow 
around the whole world 

It seems I can see you 
dancing and praying bare at all 
while your fire's burning you 
jolt your soul to let it go 
beyond the hedgerow 
around the whole world 

I can remember all my past celebrations
and in each one there is a big lesson
Beyond the hedgerow what?
Maybe another world

So I celebrate lonely 
imagining what I would love 
I think to all of you 
into your sacred sacred groves 
beyond the hedgerow 
around the whole world 

It seems I can see you 
dancing and praying bare at all 
while you fire's burning 
you jolt your soul to let it go 
beyond the hedgerow 
around the whole world 

Beltaine 2020

giovedì 23 aprile 2020


Il vento occulta il dialogo
sottile tra i due frassini
sul nuovo sole che avanza
sulla luna ormai scomparsa
in attesa che il tramonto
nasconda le ombre sacre
e possano le meliadi *
uscire nella dolce sera
per dichiarare amore
al firmamento.

Forse arriverà una sera
anche per noi
e i ricordi saranno diamanti
per condurci incantati
verso casa.

* Nella mitologia greca sono le ninfe del frassino; tra di loro ci sono anche quelle che accudirono Zeus neonato.

mercoledì 22 aprile 2020


la notte dell'essere
vi siete parlate ancora
sotto la chiesa
accanto al suo giardino
per vagare nel passato
su sentieri di parole
senza incontrarvi altrove
se non nei miei sogni
ma non c'è raccolto
in un campo arato
e mai seminato
soltanto foresta
di lontananza.

martedì 21 aprile 2020

Una per una

La pioggia silenziosa
entra dai miei occhi fradici
e mi percorre le vene
una per una
come sentieri impervi
di montagne nebbiose
e mi cuce sulla pelle
questa brughiera santa.

domenica 19 aprile 2020

Gaoth *

È un vento che profuma
di cose antiche
e sposta i passeri sul frassino
e i merli sulla quercia
solleva i semi in superficie
per condurli lontano
dove occhi umani eretici
non possono osare.

Il mio male piombo
non può sollevarsi
attende mani forti
più del vento.

* “vento” in gaelico

sabato 18 aprile 2020

Only the paths of the animals remain


Only the paths of the animals remain
to guide my feet towards the west
in this Land nature is winning

May be this uncanny time we have
and that people cannot understand
will bring a change of culture

So in a very close future 
nature will be again our tutor 
a new world 
a new health 
we will back in the Land 

Feel into your deepest marrow 
we are made of light and shadow 
our wand 
is the word 
we use to call back our God 

Look at the gnarled bough above your head
it is there before you were born on this land
you are just a little sprig

But from your ankle towards your neck
you perceive you're something more than a lad
when you utter your true name

So in a very close future 
nature will be again our tutor 
a new world 
a new health 
we will back in the Land 

Feel into your deepest marrow 
we are made of light and shadow 
our wand 
is the word 
we use to call back our God 

5th April 2020

domenica 12 aprile 2020

Manṭiq aṭ-ṭàir*

In questa Pasqua asettica
la sola lingua parlata
è quella degli uccelli
che benedicono il sole
generoso e abbondante
mentre inonda il giardino
e riempe di luce antica
la sclera bianca dei miei occhi.

* “Il verbo degli uccelli” è un poema in persiano di Farīd ad-dīn ʻAṭṭār.