mercoledì 11 settembre 2024

Scent of faith









We’ve to prepare ourselves for the autumn 
closing our plans and opening an ocean 
into our hollow hearts 
The rain is starting drizzling out of the door 
it is a sound I like and it is still so warm 
so I can sing into my heart 
And during the rain there’s a scent of faith 
even if it seems without any smell 
I can imagine in my soul in my mind 
there’s a dimension where all senses are blind 
This seasonal passeges are so sacred 
we should not ignore them ‘cause they can save 
us from the nothingness around 
So what we have to do is celebrating 
these moments even with only some praying 
and being so grateful for the life 
And during the rain there’s a scent of fait
even if it seems without any smell 
I can imagine in my soul in my mind 
there’s a dimension where all senses are blind

lunedì 2 settembre 2024

Buio di fine estate


Nel buio 
soltanto sussurri di luce 
filtrati da scuri imprecisi. 

Pomeriggio di fine estate 
esploro il mio corpo 
le mani sull'addome 
per riconoscere 
almeno qualcosa 
 di ciò che sono stato.

domenica 1 settembre 2024

Deer antler



I am here in the woods that makes me feel a bit true 
I am here in the wrong day but with the same faith 

I am here for my birthday even if it is not today 
but it is first of September that for me is even better 

In this day since long time I’ve discovered something 
that gave me the strength I needed to go ahead 

For the first time not in my birthday 
I’ve asked the Nature a future glimpse 
On the west stone a deer antler 
gives me a good sign of strength 

First of september what a day 
it make me feel frightened and strong 
I take the antler back home 
to remember of today gift 

Please tell me late summer what will bring the new autumn 
than the winter than the spring before summer comes again 

Please tell me sacred woods what have I to expect for true 
I am full of doubt and the faith’s my only hope 

For the first time not in my birthday 
I’ve asked the Nature a future glimpse 
On the west stone a deer antler 
gives me a good sign of strength 

First of september what a day 
it make me feel frightened and strong 
I take the antler back home 
to remember of today gift