mercoledì 19 giugno 2024



è l’amarezza 
- questo male di vivere, questo viver così male - 
che corrode le ossa 
e rende molli 
le pareti del cuore 
incapaci di trattenere 
il brodo denso del sangue 
all’incessante ricerca 
di una fuga libera 
verso il mare.

martedì 11 giugno 2024



Non piove 
ma il cielo piange 
lacrime sottili 
lievi brividi
sulla pelle nuda. 
Le poche stelle 
si specchiano 
sulla terra bruna 
che cercano 
senza sosta 
di ritrovare 
la porta 
del cosmo.

mercoledì 5 giugno 2024

The old city of Rome








The old city of Rome is full of people 
that don’t know, no they don’t know 
They are caresselly walking over 
the old stones, the ancient world 
They can’t understand the real meaning of history 
they can’t understand how much it means, also for them 
The old city of Rome is full of people 
when the evening comes from the east 
I’m walking alone and I think 
I love it, I fight my instinct 
‘cause I see the life filling the space of history 
the crowd so unaware creates a picture, with no time 
And in the evening there’s a so big noise 
so I can’t sleep, but I can think 
about the people that have made the choice 
to live here throughout the past two millennia 
The old city of Rome is full of glimpses 
that really, are time machines 
And I try without effort to imagine 
the life as it was hundreds years ago 
I can see in my mind the everyday scenes 
I guess it was different but not completely, from what is now 
And in the evening there’s a so big noise 
so I can’t sleep, but I can think 
about the people that have made the choice 
to live here throughout the past two millennia 
Rome, 23rd May 2024